
About Us

About Us

Your current location: About Us

Your current location: About Us

H-Technik is located at dynamic town Anhai, in jinjiang City, Fujian. We dedicate to furthering in manufacturing and R&D of Foam Plastic Machinery, Green & Energy Saving Equipment, Plastic Recycling Plant, Environmental Construction Machinery, Foam Plastic  Moulds, Electromechanical Devices, etc.

The company is gathering Research & Development, designing, manufacturing and technological commissioning prossfessional personnel locally and abroad. We agglomerate all our entire strength and integrate our enriched experience, thus we have achieved solid placement in the industry. Our products have earned highly value by our customers.

  Our management philosophy: "High Quality as dominant factor, market orientation and seeking development with Prestige". We aim at developing stableness by shaping competition predominance, so that we enable our contribution for the industry. Our attention is not only put forth to our perfect product quality, we are also continuosusly improving our service system, we make every effort to firnish our customer to succeed extensive investment return. Our Pre-& After-Sales service team can speedily provide our customers in the world with remote service program.

H-Technik is wholeheartedly striving for earnest and sincere cooperation with customers in the world to conspire together our beautiful future !

花莲县| 泸定县| 长宁县| 裕民县| 葵青区| 望江县| 洞口县| 嘉祥县| 桑植县| 宣恩县| 高密市| 盱眙县| 柏乡县| 博湖县| 来宾市| 文登市| 依兰县| 朝阳区| 北碚区| 平舆县| 昔阳县| 麦盖提县| 凤冈县| 江西省| 玛纳斯县| 顺昌县| 佛坪县| 新余市| 甘德县| 漳浦县| 陇川县| 舒城县| 晴隆县| 丰县| 屏山县| 磴口县| 南乐县| 城固县| 阿拉善盟| 湖北省| 德昌县|